Breast enhancement theory: According to the theory of meridian doctrine and repetitive movement of instrument pressure, it changes the skin surface into the vacuum state and begins to care the breast and back muscles to stimulate the lymph and blood circulation. Besides, it can adjust the metabolism to regulate the channels. In addition, it can strengthen the pectoralis major and mammary gland and stimulate the body tissue and pituitary to adjust the female endocrine to increase the generation of estrogen.Ultrasound machine,Ultrasound Probe,Ultrasound Transducer Besides, the absorption and emission can collect the surround fat and back fat to shape plump and elastic breast. The regular absorption can make the vertical movements for the skin to regulate the lymph and blood circulation for strengthening the pectoralis major and mammary gland, so that the breast can be plump and elastic. Also, it has the function of cosmetology.
Product introduction
Aiming at breast health and enhancement and integrating several sets of professional treatment of breast exercises, repair and enlargement together, the technological combination of cosmetology (including breast strengthening, enlargement, correction, repair and massage etc.) is the improved and updated product for the present breast enhancement instruments. It is based on the prominent &harmonious design, unique combined concept and obvious & perpetual effect, so it is popularized in the beauty center and has good reputation among the professional beautician and customers.